Chicago Film Office — City Services & Rates

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Assistance from other City departments and sister agencies may be required during film production. Some may also require additional permits. Please see the list below and let us know about your specific needs so we can help coordinate the effort.

You can now pay invoices for city services directly online at


Chicago Police Department

Police supervision is necessary for any traffic control on city streets and/or use of special effects/firearms. Production must provide appropriate timecards and paperwork for compensation when hiring personnel. An invoice for requested squads will be emailed. 

  • The Police Department requires at least 72 hours prior notice for all requests (not including weekends and holidays). For filming on Monday, notice is required by noon the Wednesday prior. No exceptions will be made and late requests will be denied.


  • It is the responsibility of the Production to speak directly with each assigned officer if there is a cancelation or schedule change. If the production cancels the assigned Police detail for ANY reason, less than 24 hours prior to the start of the detail, they are responsible for payment of each assigned officer (minimum 6 hours).


  • The Production is responsible for providing timecards and invoices for payment to be issued directly to the officers. CPD will only provide invoices for requested squad cars which will be emailed following the completion of your work.


Police Personnel
Sergeants – $65 per hour
Officers – $50 per hour
Guaranteed 6 hours
Time & 1/2 after 8 hours

Squad Car – $150 per day – traffic control only, may not be used for picture
The travel with squad car is not included in the guaranteed hours.


Chicago Fire Department

Fire Department supervision is mandatory in the use of special effects, pyrotechnics, wet downs, stunts and any instance involving the concern of public safety. Production must provide appropriate timecards and paperwork for compensation when hiring personnel.

Fire Personnel
Safety Officer – $65 per hr. (1 per assignment)
Engineer – $50 per hr.
Fireman – $45 per hr.
Guaranteed 6 hours
Time & 1/2 after 8 hours


Department of Streets & Sanitation

The Chicago Film office will assist with scheduling Streets and Sanitation services.

Posting of "No Parking" Signs
No additional charge – included in permitting fee

Tow Trucks for relocation – Contact Film Office for assistance. DO NOT CALL ON YOUR OWN.
$50 per hour

Blue – $5 per day per barricade
Reimbursement fee for non-returned barricades- $65 each