Addison/Kimball TIF

Designation: 2000    Repealed: 2008

The Addison/Kimball TIF district was designated for a single city block in the Avondale community that was occupied by International Paper factory until 1994. When the company left the site, four industrial buildings on the property were razed, leaving approximately 15 acres of the Kennedy Industrial Corridor significantly underutilized. The TIF was created to help remove the facility's remaining foundations, loading docks and walls, which created a blighting effect on the corridor and posed a potential risk to the public health and safety of nearby workers and residents. In addition, the TIF was designed to provide job training assistance and related public improvements that support new industrial uses in a coordinated and comprehensive manner. No development ever occurred through the TIF and it was repealed in 2008.


Redevelopment Plan (PDF)
Designation Ordinance (PDF)
Annual Report (PDF)




district map 

Supporting Information Facts