Kostner Avenue TIF

Designation: 2008    Terminated: 2014

The 51-acre Kostner Avenue TIF is intended to foster rehabilitation of the district’s few existing buildings for either industrial or commercial use. It’s also intended to alleviate residential overcrowding within the Little Village community by promoting mixed-income and mixed-density housing alternatives, including rental units for market-rate, affordable and low- and very-low income families, and for-sale units at market rate and affordable prices. New residential projects are intended to incorporate designs that reflect the surrounding neighborhood with consistent front yard setbacks and building heights, street orientation, rear parking and limited curb cuts. Other priorities include improvements to street surface conditions, street lighting and traffic signalization, and the installation and upgrading of public utilities where appropriate. Relocation assistance, day care and job training are also supported by the TIF.


Redevelopment Plan (PDF)
Designation Ordinance (PDF)
Annual Report (PDF)
Projection Report (Data Portal)



district map


No projects to report at this time.

Supporting Information Facts