January 29, 2017

Mayor Emanuel Calls For Citywide Actions Of Welcoming

Mayor's Press Office    312.744.3334

"One hundred years ago, the people of Chicago opened their hearts and their homes to my grandfather when he immigrated to this great city, fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe in search of freedom and opportunity. In that spirit, in the coming days my family and I will host DREAMers attending Chicago Public Schools and Chicago City Colleges for a meal, a conversation, and a recognition and celebration of all that unites us, rather than what divides us. I am asking every interested resident of the City of Chicago to join us by hosting a similar meal in your own homes and at restaurants in your own neighborhoods, or by sharing welcoming words through a phone call or email. At a moment of unease and vulnerability for so many, let's come together as a city and put action behind our words and the values we hold dear as a welcoming city. Lets show the world that the City of Big Shoulders is also a city of big hearts."

Several local organizations, listed below, are well positioned to facilitate support for DREAMers, immigrants and refugees. Get involved, contact them today.

National Immigrant Justice Center: immigrantjustice.org

The Resurrection Project: resurrectionproject.org

United African Organization: uniteafricans.org

Indo-American Center: indoamerican.org

Centro Romero: centroromero.org

Erie Neighborhood House: eriehouse.org

Instituto Del Progreso Latino: institutochicago.org

Centro de Trabajadores Unidos: centrodetrabajadoresunidos.org

Southwest Organizing Project: swopchicago.org

Korean American Resource and Cultural Center: chicagokrcc.org

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