Welcoming City Ordinance Reports

The Welcoming City Ordinance also codified local policies to help ensure undocumented residents are not prosecuted solely due to their immigration status. As such, the welcoming City protection covers Chicagoans of all ages—in school, at work and as they seek city supports and resources. This means that Chicago police officers cannot arrest on the basis of immigration status.

Pursuant to Chapter 2-173 of the Welcoming City Ordinance the Chicago Police Department shall submit a quarterly report to the Office of the Mayor and the Office of the Inspector General describing its compliance with this Chapter in the preceding quarter, which shall include:

  1. A list of the notifications made by CPD to the Office of Emergency Management and Communications with events describing a request for assistance with the enforcement of federal civil immigration law.
  2. With regard to immigration detainers or administrative warrants received by CPD that are related to enforcement of civil immigration law:
    • The date that CPD received the immigration detainer or administrative warrant and
    • Whether CPD transferred the individual subject to the immigration detainer or administrative warrant to a federal agency's custody and, if so, which agency

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