Economic Development

Dedicated to creating and retaining local jobs


In collaboration with other governmental bodies, area businesses and community organizations

Program Highlights

Obama Presidential Center & Jackson Park


This project will provide better access to and through the park for pedestrians, cyclists and traffic flow to make OPC and Jackson Park a world class destination

East 71st Streetscape


This streetscape will include street resurfacing, installation of a bike lane, traffic calming infrastructure to promote safe  street crossing, and an architectural fence along the Metra Electric tracks. 

31st Street Viaduct


The new structure will widen the 96 year old structure by 5 feet to increase safety and will improve connections to Lake Shore Drive, Burnham Park and the 31st Street Beach

Streetscapes Dashboard

Streetscapes Funding Dashboard:

Simply click a project title on the left or select from the map to learn more about funding for streetscapes across the city.