North Lawndale Neighborhood Bike Network

North Lawndale Neighborhood Bike Network

Kid walking away from viewer on sidewalk through park with bikes parked on grass

In 2021, CDOT along with the 24th Ward partnered with a group of community leaders to identify new bike routes in North Lawndale. These new projects form a connected bike network which helps neighbors easily get to all the places they want and need to go by bike while improving the safety for all modes.

Since implementation, CDOT has been evaluating these new projects to understand their impact and identify areas for improvement. To date, nearly 9 miles of connected bicycle routes have been installed, almost 2 miles have been upgraded, and additional projects have been identified.

Project Approach & Results

The Neighborhood Bike Network was developed through collaboration with the community, including a Taskforce of community leaders to help guide this process. The Taskforce collaborated to:

  • Facilitate discussion on the role that transportation plays in the neighborhood
  • Identify the important destinations, connections, and barriers to moving around the neighborhood
  • Identify opportunities to implement a Quick-Build Network of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure beginning in 2021 
  • Spread the word about this initiative and discuss the benefits of biking with neighbors
  • This effort resulted in nearly 9 miles of new bikeways to date and almost 2 miles of upgrades


Featured Improvements

Nearly 9 miles of connected bikeways have been installed in the community and almost 2 miles have been upgraded, with designs including the following:

Person biking towards viewer in a bike lane that is buffered with wide striped areas creating more space between the parking lane and the travel lane
Protected Bike Lanes

Dedicated space for people biking that is physically separated from vehicles on higher traffic streets.

Family biking in a marked contraflow bike lane on a residential one way street. Signs say, do not enter except bikes.
Neighborhood Greenways

Residential streets with traffic calming for motor vehicles, enhanced signage, and special pavement markings which may include two-way bike travel on one-way side streets.

A person rides a bicycle in a striped bike lane on a residential street
Bike Lanes

Dedicated on-street spaces for cyclists demarcated with signs, striping and pavement markings.

Project Location

North Lawndale Community Area

